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Earn more Profits and Productivity
our Services Master cares

Your old Cat® Generator Set can be reborn as new.

Repower your old CAT Generator Set for a great value for money.

Problem: When a customer’s Cat genset had run its first life, It needed attention.

Solution: Keep profitability high with Cat Certified Rebuild and Repower

“I convinced the customer to look at making his genset brand new, inside-out with Cat Repower – giving it the latest engine with warranty and that too at a fraction of the cost of a new machine. This decision would make his business grow with more profits and more productivity.”

Result: “The customer didn’t just Repower his old Generator Set with Cat, but also bought another new one from us.”

While you sleep, we stay awake, taking care of your Cat® equipment

With a CVA, we care for your equipment 24X7, making your business grow

Problem: When a machine breaks down, almost 50-60 workers sit idle, resulting in loss of income.

Solution: Cat CVA service protection. “The CVA gives customers 24X7 access to the service engineers.I work tirelessly to ensure that their equipment is always up and running so that the productivity and profitability are always high with minimum downtime.”

Result: “Through word of mouth, customers have renewed their CVAs with me for more than six years!”

Your old Cat® equipment is as good as our new one

For a fraction of the cost, ‘Repower’ your old equipment to become brand new – inside and out.

Problem: A customer wanted to sell his old Cat equipment and buy a new one, incurring a huge cost.

Solution: Repower the Cat equipment. “I convinced the customer that he can enjoy all the benefits of a new machine in his old one at a fraction of the cost of a new machine. He can have the latest engine, with warranty, a new undercarriage and much more, thus making his business grow with more profits and more productivity.”

Result: “The customer booked to Repower his equipment right away.”

A new lease of life for your old Cat® equipment.

Repower your equipment for high return on Investment.

Customer Pain-Point: When a customer’s Cat engine was too old to perform optimally, he asked me to help.

Services Master’s Solution: Repower the Catequipment by giving it the latest new engine.

“I convinced him that with our Re-power solution his equipment will become as good as new with a latest model engine, that too at a fraction of the cost of a new machine. This would double the life of his equipment, be great value for money and continue to grow his business at lower cost.”

Result: “The customer got back his re-powered equipment that increased his profitability by a large margin.”

eCommerce Delivers Efficiency

Challenges: Our construction industry customers look for efficient ways to reduce down-time for ordering spare parts, check stock availability, find store locations and ensure consistent pricing.

Solution: Our Services Master, S. Dakshinamurthy, makes sure his clients use the CAT eCommerce solution any-time from their mobiles. He guides them to check prices, place orders, and verify stock availability online. This enables the customers to operate their equipment 24x7 while delivering profitability, productivity and business growth.

CVA Protects Equipment

Challenges: When our Customers call the CAT® Services helpdesk, as their equipment has sent them a visionlink code, to their mobiles which may lead to reduced RPM.

Solution: Under the protection of a CVA, our customer immediately completed the online spare-parts order. Our Services Master, K. Jaishankar, packed the spare parts and reached the construction site. He replaced the parts and thoroughly tested the equipment to its full load capacity. In no time, the excavator was back to its 24x7 duty of delivering high profitability, productivity and growth in business to its owner.

Unparalled Productivity
matched by our Services Master

CVA Delivers Profitability

February 2024 - A customer’s excavator operating in extreme pollution at a road construction highway site, sent a visionlink code to his mobile, of “High Air Filter Restriction” that lowered its RPM.

Solution: With CVA in place, the customer placed an online order. Our Services Master, Vikas Rana changed the parts and fully tested the equipment. In no time, the excavator was back on its 24x7 duty that was grounded in high productivity, trust and shared goals.

Guaranteed by our Services Master

eCommerce Delivers More Up-time

Challenges: From the beginning of 2024, many Gen-Set customers enquired efficient ways to reduce down-time for ordering spare parts, stock checks, store location and pricing.

Solution: Our Services Master, Prasenjit Singha, demonstrated the efficiency of CAT eCommerce 24x7 solution, accessible from a mobile, to order, check stock availability and pricing online. This enabled profitability, productivity and growth in business.