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Services Deliver Value

When you purchase a Cat machine, it’s the start of a lasting partnership. Whatever your business, size or location, our expert services can help you save time, make money, and do your best work. Our machines are built to handle any job with the fuel efficiency you need to boost your bottom line.

Our Service Commitment

When you purchase a Cat machine, it’s the start of a lasting partnership. Whatever your business, size or location, our expert services can help you save time, make money, and do your best work. Our machines are built to handle any job with the fuel efficiency you need to boost your bottom line.

Always Ahead

Our customers are leaders. They’re out in front, setting the new standard in their industries. They’re constantly adapting to changes in regulations, markets and economies. Caterpillar services and technologies give our customers a way to do their work a little faster, smarter, and safer to give them that competitive advantage.
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Partners in Growth

Our customers are, first and foremost, businesspeople. Just like us, they’re thinking about growing their business, building a reputation, optimizing cost, controlling quality and managing their time. They want value. They want control. And they want transparency.
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Lifetime Commitment

Every customer has a unique set of problems, priorities and their own definition of “value”. Some want tools that they can use to manage their own work. Others want us to manage whole aspects of their business for them. And there’s everything in between. We offer a broad range of technologies and services to suit different customers’ needs and budgets.
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Peace of Mind Ownership

Caterpillar defines services as the value we provide to our customers after the purchase of equipment – from aftermarket parts to maintenance agreements to financing and more. Services span over every business at Caterpillar, and it is not only a priority for the company but for our culture.
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